“…but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”
Isaiah 40:31
In our parish Baptisms are celebrated on a Sunday at 12.15pm. This is throughout the year except for the Season of Lent when baptisms do not take place. The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated by appointment. Please ring the Parish Priest giving plenty of notice of the date you request. We expect parents to take part in a single preparation session. This usually takes place in the Parish Centre after 9.30am Mass on Sunday. You may have several godparents if you wish. One is sufficient. However, one godparent must be a practicing Catholic over the age of 16.
The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated by the Bishop. This is celebrated in the parish every two years but may be less frequent depending on the Bishop’s diary. Candidates for Confirmation should be pupils in Year 7, 8 or above. Several months notice is given and candidates are prepared for the Sacrament in the parish by a team of catechists.
At least six months notice must be given before the celebration of a marriage. This is to give time for adequate reparation and the fulfilling of legal requirements. The Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths must be notified of a couple’s wish to be married in our church. After the statutory period for publication of the Banns, the couple receive an authorisation form from the registrar which they then give to the Parish Priest. The Parish Priest, Parish Deacon and one parishioner are authorised persons for the registration of Marriages in our church. The Parish Priest or Deacon will prepare the Liturgy for the Marriage with the couple.Other preparation is undertaken on a Deanery Basis by Marriage Care.
Children in Year 4 are eligible for these Sacraments. Preparation takes place in our primary school after school hours and is led by teachers and catechists. A number of meetings for parents take place at the same time in school. Parents of children who do not attend our primary school and who wish their children to make their First Communion should contact the Parish Priest who will arrange for them to join in the programme.
A Mass during which the Sacrament of the Sick is celebrated takes place quarterly. These take place in the Parish Centre and refreshments are provided afterwards. The Sacrament of the Sick may be requested at anytime. Please contact the Parish Priest who will make arrangements for a home visit.