“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.”
Proverbs 19:17
Standing Order Mandate
Standing Order mandate forms can be obtained from the display rack in the Church porch. The Parish Priest or any member of the Finance Committee should also be able to help.
If you are also a tax payer please consider completing a Gift Aid Declaration also available at the back of Church to enable us to reclaim the tax on your donations. You will need to specify an amount you wish to donate on the Standing form plus effective start date and your bank account details.
Our Lady Star of the Sea bank details: Bank Sort Code 40-27-02 / Account No 81335464
In order to register with the Parish your completed mandate should be passed to the Church Office, even via the collection plate at Mass. It will then be despatched to your bank.