Our Church Organisations
We rely heavily on the support and involvement of our congregation for all aspects of our church life. We are so grateful to all the men women, girls and boys who act as Altar Servers. They are present at every Mass, both weekday and Sundays.
Our Readers - known as Ministers of the Word - support every Sunday Mass and every weekday Mass although of course we are always grateful for new volunteers.
We have ten Eucharistic Ministers who take the sacrament to the sick and housebound and about forty who minister at Sunday and weekday Masses.
We have an annual Day of Recollection for Servers Readers and Eucharistic Ministers.
We have three Music Groups for our three Sunday Masses – At the 9.30am family Mass, we have a music group comprised of vocalists, guitars, keyboard and flute leading the congregation in singing popular and self penned hymns to support and enhance the service. At 11am Mass we have an organ and a small choir playing more traditional hymns. Eagles Wings', the 6.30pm (alternate Sundays) music group leads the singing with guitar led popular and traditional music. Rehearsals are held throughout the year but especially for Easter and Christmas services and special parish events. New members are assured a warm welcome.
Perhaps these groups are our ‘front of house’. But so many more people give their time and effort to ensure our worship continues.
Our Flower Arrangers, our Church Cleaners, our Welcomers, our Offertory Collectors, our Offertory Counters all play a vital part in our church life.
We have an RCIA (Rite of Catholic Initiation for Adults) annual programme which starts in September and finishes in June. Since 2007 46 new Catholics have been welcomed into our parish community.
We have a Shop which sells cards books and gifts and where possible individual requests. It is open before and after Sunday Masses.
We have two Prayer Groups. One meets fortnightly in a Wednesday evening at the Parish Centre. They have a book at the back of church for prayer requests which form the main part of their meeting. All welcome – just turn up.
Mothers prayers meet monthly in the Parish Centre praying for all children. It is an ecumenical group and all are welcome.