“The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand.”
Psalm 37:23-24
Our Lady’s Parish Centre
63 St Albans Road, St Annes FY8 1XD – The parish centre for Our Lady Star of the Sea Roman Catholic Church is a short walk from the church. It is the social heart of our church. We have parties and social evenings organised not just by one social committee but by different groups within the congregation, in fact we could almost say our social life is organised by everyone for everyone.
Venue Hire
We can hire out our centre by the room, hall or in it's entirety. The Centre is on one floor, and there are no steps. There are toilets (including disabled) easily accessible from all rooms. There is also a large car park. Our space comprises of:
Seats 180 theatre style and 140 banqueting style. There is also a well equipped stage. There is a hatch to the kitchen where food can be served.
This seats 60 theatre style and 50 banqueting style. There is an overhead projector and flip charts as well as a plentiful supply of electric sockets. There is also a small kitchen area for making hot drinks.
The lounge and bar has seating for 60. If lounge and bar are booked with the hall (to which it connects) there is no charge for the lounge. There is a charge if the hall is not required. The bar is staffed by volunteers.